What makes the game of soccer one of the most loved and enjoyed sports worldwide? The displays of individual technical skill, athleticism, and creativity combine within the framework of a team to produce a drama that captures the pride of nations, schools, and individuals.
At the Lady Golden Eagles Soccer Camps, we will workon fine-tuning individual technical ability while creating a competitive environment that will allow individuals to use their creative and technical skills to compete at the highest level.
The Lady Golden Eagles Soccer Camps would also encourage you to join us in the evening for a team devotional and worship as we seek to integrate our faith into the game of soccer. The JBU coaching staff believes that the game of soccer is a picture of life and that the lessons learned on the field will play out in life. At LGESC camp we are committed to raising up a generation of young people who lead on and off the field, while using Christ as our example of ultimate servant leadership.
John Brown University, the Golden Eagles and other trademarks of JBU are used under license. The Lady Golden Eagles Soccer Camp is independently owned and operated by Kathleen Paulsen – Fayetteville, Arkansas
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